CGTech Inc. 9000 Research Drive Irvine California 92618-4214 U.S.A. 전화:+1-949-753-1050 팩스:+1-949-753-1053
Company Web site Microsites 홈페이지: http://CGTech-Inc.allmetalwork
사업 형태: Manufacturer - Metalworking Machinery and Tools 0분류 , 0 제품 목록.
CGTech Inc.소개
Headquartered in Irvine, California, CGTech specializes in
numerical control (NC/CNC) simulation, verification, optimization,
and analysis software technology for manufacturing. CGTech was
founded in 1988. Since that time, our main software product,
VERICUT®, has become the industry standard. With offices
worldwide, VERICUT software is used by companies of all sizes,
universities/trade schools, and government agencies.