Heidenhain Corp. 333 E. State Parkway Schaumburg IL 60173 U.S.A. 전화:+1-847-490-1191 팩스:+1-847-490-39 31
Company Web site Microsites 홈페이지: http://Heidenhain-America.allm etalworking.com/
사업 형태: Manufacturer - Metalworking Machinery and Tools 0분류 , 0 제품 목록.
Heidenhain Corp.소개
HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION is the North American subsidiary of DR. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH, a leading international manufacturer of precision measurement and control equipment. Our product line includes linear scales, rotary and angular encoders, digital readouts, digital length gages, CNC controls, and machine inspection equipment.